A Short History of Printing
The history of what we know as the printing press goes back as far as around c.1440.
Back in the 15th Century there was no such thing as a digital printer. We have developed new techniques through the ages using a variety of techniques and adaptable technology.
The earliest printing technique began in China back during the Han Dynasty – roughly 220 A.D. They used woodblocks to recreate words and art. It was such a vital component during this totally dynamic time for China.
During this time printing using blocks spread to Korea and Japan – they also used Chinese logograms. The technique was also used in Turpan and Vietnam using a number of other scripts. It then spread to Persia and Russia and was transmitted to Europe via the Islamic world. By around 1400 blocks were being used on paper for old master prints and playing cards.
The technology of printing was so vital during the development of the Renaissance period and the scientific revolution because it laid the material basis for us to be able to share knowledge. This made way for our now very modern knowledge-based economy. It helped the spread of learning to the general public.
Printing through the ages. We have gone from the old cylinder seal, through to wooden blocks, Korean moveable types, lithograph press and last but not in the very least, least, the 3D Digital Printer.
Fast forward just over 600 years. We are still producing master prints and playing cards but we have had to move away. We are now in the age of digital printing. There are more computers than ever and we have more and more technology at our fingertips.
Where will the future take us?